Asia Music International Ltd. • Music Licencing Terms & Conditions latest up-date: October 2021
Terms and Conditions
1. For the albums CANDLELIGHT BLUES and SWEET WORDS shared copyrights apply. - Copyright for all composition belongs to HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej - Copyright for all guitar arrangement belongs to AMI Records
2. To obtain permission for the usage of these two albums or any part thereof send written enquiry with full details of intended use such as song title, purpose of use, type of media, period of time etc. to AMI Records
3. To obtain permission to use the guitar arrangement/s settle all necessary copyright requirements with AMI Records in writing.
4. To obtain permission to use the composition/s settle all necessary copyright requirements with the Royal Palace i.e. whichever agency the Royal Palace has assigned to handle it in writing.
To obtain permission for the usage of all other AMI Records albums and/or any part thereof send written enquiry with full details of intended use such as song title, purpose of use, type of media, period of time etc. to AMI Records at