Asian World Music
Asian World Music
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Asian World Music

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01 Burung Kakak Tua (Indonesia)
Menghitung Hari (Indonesia)
Techno Toey (Thailand)
Duan Phen (Thailand)
Dạ cổ hoài lang (Vietnam)

06 Trống Cơm (Vietnam)
Charm Par Meuang Lao (Laos)
Lam Salawan (Laos)
Mya Man Giri (Myanmar)
Anak (Philippines)
Kapilas na Giting (Philippines)
Adai-Adai - Naindong (Brunei)
Rojak (Malaysia)
Count on me, Singapore (Singapore)
Brise de Novembre (Cambodia)
Champa Battambang (Cambodia)

Total Playing Time:53.08

Copyright © 2015 by Asia Music International Ltd.
All rights of the producer and the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorized copying, forwarding, hiring, lending, public performance, broadcasting, digital distribution or similar acts of this recording or parts thereof is prohibited.

Hucky Eichelmann
Fusion of Southeast Asian Music
ASEAN GUITAR features stunning musical selection from the ten ASEAN countries - Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei. Many of the pieces are equally popular in more than one country and in many cases it is quite hard to tell where the melodies actually originate from; but what all of the pieces on this album have in common is that distinctive ASEAN flavor.
THIS IS the finest guitar recording I've ever heard…
And the quality of the sound recording is even better than Michael Newman's solo guitar recorded by Sheffield Lab. 
AUDIOPHILE Magazine, December 2015 more reviews
16 compositions and arrangements of ASEAN’s famous melodies
Executive Producer: Hucky Eichelmann for AMI Records
Recorded at Karma Studios, Bang Saray, Thailand during 14-16 January 2015
Recorded, edited, mixed and mastered by Shane Edwards
Guitar by Gerhard Schnabl
Recorded, edited and published by Hucky Eichelmann, guitar
Sheet Music Book: 56 pages, traditional notation
Cover Photo by Ralf Tooten
Key visual by Ralf Tooten & Sueb Sookdee
Cover text edited by John Clewley
Cover design:

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Hucky Eichelmann and AMI Records support the copyright protection of music - please support us, too, and help to encourage others to respect that copying music damages both musicians, and the music industry all around the world and will eventually lead to the extinction of good music. Music is a precious gift, let's respect that gift and share it legally
Copyright © by Asia Music International Ltd.

All rights of the producer and the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorized copying, forwarding, hiring, lending, public performance, broadcasting, digital distribution or similar acts of this recording or parts thereof is prohibited.