Lai Muang Ensemle The Spirit of Lanna Music from the North of Thailand
Thai music is often regarded as difficult to access to the untrained, and especially to the Western ear. The recording and mixing techniques applied in this album focus on making Thai music an "Easy Listening" experience for all. It is hoped that this approach along with the chosen variety of Northern Classical and Folk music styles will enable more people to enjoy the beauty of this fine art form. orchestral environment
The delightful dreamy album is a welcome addition to recordings from the North. The sound quality on the the album is first-class, and the liner notes, unusual for a locally produced album on traditional Thai music, are interesting and informative. John Clewley - The Bangkok Post (06 June, 2008)
LAI MUANG Ensemble Somboon Kawichai (Khru Boy Peejum, Salaw, Pin Pia Wiboon Fangngueng • Sueng, Percussion, Vocals Samai Sathatha • Salaw, Peejum, Percussion Thewin Thatum Percussion, Prakorn Siriprasert: Peejum, Klui, Salaw Nattawut Butta • Sueng, Percussion Niwat Saenpichai • Percussion Executive Producer: Hucky Eichelmann for AMI Records
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