Hucky Eichelmann With Love from Asia Great selection of Asia’s favourite melodies
The album offers enchanting arrangements of Asia’s most loved melodies, performed in a truly Asian spirit. The album includes Sakura, Arirang, Count on me Singapore, Bengawan Solo, Rak Riya, Anak, Hucky’s mind blowing rendition disco guitar solo The Naiharn Rip-Off, Hucky’s own romance “With Love from Asia” and Nop Sothibadhu’s legendary I-sarn Variations.
In the words of GRAMMY AWARD winning pianist George Winston - “Hucky is a great guitarist, arranger, interpreter and composer. I really love his Asia album. He looks deeply into the soul of many cultures. He is truly a world citizen musically and plays with great heart and soul.”
Great selection of Asia‘s most loved melodies The timeless album that you can listen to anytime…Through his classical guitar playing Hucky takes us to a new frontier that we have never been before. Hi-fi Stereo magazine (January 2003)
… truly enchanting arrangements of Asia’s best-loved melodies. Hucky’s output bridges the cultures of the East and the West and blends classical sounds with those heard in folk, mixing the serious with the popular. The Bangkok Post - Realtime (15 September, 2000)
Produced by HUCKY for AMI Records Recorded at: Planet Media Studio, Bangkok Recording Date: Feb 15-16 & 22, 2000 Recorded, edited & mastered by Jattapol Khan System: Sonic Solutions Album Design: Dani Brunner, Switzerland Design Editing: Photographs by: Thuan Doan-Vinh Guitars: Jim Redgate & Simon Marty Strings: Hannabach
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